Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I'm going to try this blogging thing.

It seems everyone is blogging these days so I might as well try it. Not sure exactly what I'm going to write about yet.

Why don't I start by describing who I am a little bit.

My name is Joseph Daniel Mulloy and I'm from Billerica, Massachusetts where I currently live in the same house I've always lived in. I'm a 20 year old Computer Engineering Student at Northeastern University. I was raised an American Baptist since birth and I love Jesus. Lately my life pretty much consists of four things, lots of class work, Agapé Christian Fellowship, running video equipment for RealLife Boston and Linux.

The highlight of my week is Agapé/RealLife. On Wednesdays I have Life Group, which is like a Bible Study, Thursdays we have out general meeting at NU and Friday is CityWide at Harvard.

Life Group is a group of people, studying God's word and discussing life's issues, as well as goofing around and having fun. We've only had two meeting so far this semester but they've been fantastic. Our life group leader Collin started leading life group this summer but we had a Campus Crusade Staff member with us who ended up taking that reigns and leading the group. This is the first time Collin has been left to take the lead on Life Group and so far I've been impressed. I expect that God will be teaching us many things this semester, especially me.

Recently I've become the unofficial Tech Guru for Agapé, Since this summer I've been handling the projector for things like videos and worship lyrics. I've also be handed the keys for the Agapé Website. All of the hard work was already done by Jeremy, the previous webmaster. While I'm technically inclined I have not done this before, but so far I haven't had too much trouble learning the job.

As well as running A/V for Agapé locally at NU, I've been working in the big leagues, running the Video portion of the equipment for RealLife meetings. It was rough at first as I was trying to figure out exactly what I was doing, but now I've nearly got it down to a science. Last week we were done with set-up an hour early, which I believe is a first for CityWide this year.

Despite the work involved with both Agapé and RealLife, I'm glad that God has called me to serve in this way, I have an opportunity to use the skills and talents he gave me for his service. I've been learning a lot from him lately. Mostly I've been learning to trust him with my life and do the work that he asks me to. Over the past few years I've tried to do everything on my own, but it hasn't worked. My plans always seem to end up falling through, following my own desires has only led to disappointment and sorrow.

This post has gotten very long and is probably poorly organized, sorry. Hopefully I'll figure out where I want to go with this thing. Honestly there is probably a very good chance that I won't keep up with posting or even make a second post. I also doubt anyone is actually going to read this thing. If I'm wrong leave me a comment to let me know someone has at least loaded the page.

I'm sitting in Snell Library right now and I should probably get back to working on my school work. So that's it for now, I'll leave you with the following piece of scripture.

Romans 12:1-2
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

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